Bent Knee Signs With Cuneiform Records by Chris Baum


I'm humbled and honored to announce that Bent Knee will be releasing our next album under the legendary Cuneiform Records label in May 2016. Our sound has always existed in the nooks and crannies just outside of the mainstream, and it’s exciting to have finally found a home that fully supports the music we’re interested in making. Here’s to the next chapter — we can’t wait for you all to hear what we’ve been cooking up in the lab.

Full press release below:

Cuneiform Records is thrilled to announce the signing of Boston, MA art-rock band Bent Knee. The group will release their third album, a follow-up to 2014’s Shiny Eyed Babies, on the label in May 2016.

For the past thirty years, Cuneiform has been widely recognized as an international force in the world of the avant-garde and cutting-edge, championing artists that organically fuse elements from various styles to form vibrant, evocative, and forward-thinking music. In this respect, they’re the perfect home for Bent Knee, a band that has defied genre since its inception in 2009. The group bridges the gap between the experimental and the familiar, merging texture and style into music that’s moving, addictive, and unapologetically original.

You can listen to Shiny Eyed Babies in its entirety at

Press for Shiny Eyed Babies:
"Unbelievably powerful.” -The Needle Drop
"Maddening brilliance." -Best New Bands
"A powerful exercise in restraint and release." -Consequence of Sound
"Musical transcendence." -The Noise
"Demands to be talked about." -DigBoston
"Defining modern music." -No Ripcord
"Absorbing and absolutely incomprehensible." -The Bay Bridged
"A magnificent work of art. Album of the year." -Seattle Passive Aggressive
"Rock wins again." -Sound It Out

Guy Mendilow Ensemble Kicks Off Fall Tour by Chris Baum

Guy Mendilow Ensemble's tour of the Pacific Northwest begins tomorrow night in Red Bluff, CA. The group will be performing "Tales from the Forgotten Kingdom", a collection of compositions originating from old melodies and songs from the Ladino tradition.

About Tales from the Forgotten Kingdom:

Embark on a musical trek to kingdoms long forgotten and bustling towns now vanished. Follow the stories of vagabond queens, pauper poets and lovers lost to the sea, all set to spellbinding arrangements of old Sephardi songs worthy of symphonic film scores. Wrap these tales up with lush soulful harmonies evoking Flamenco's gutsiness and the longings of Fado, all combined with heart-pounding percussion and intricate soundscapes.

Journey through the Balkans to the Mid-East beginning in Sarajevo and winding through Salonica and Jerusalem. Tales from the Forgotten Kingdom is a sonic adventure masterfully brought to life by the Guy Mendilow Ensemble, an award-winning quintet of world-class musicians with members hailing from Israel, Palestine, Argentina, the UK and the USA. This ensemble of internationally savvy world musicians delivers a richly textured global experience of haunting beauty.

For more information, visit

Fall Tour Dates

Sep 20 | State Theatre - Red Bluff, CA

Sep 24 | Jones Theatre - Pullman, WA

Sep 25 | Faith Assembly Church - Pasco, WA

Sep 26 | Gesa Powerhouse Theatre - Walla Walla, WA

Sep 29 | Kilworth Memorial Chapel - Tacoma, WA

Oct 01 | Western Washington University - Bellingham, WA

Oct 02 | Evergreen Cultural Centre - Coquitlam, Canada

Oct 05 | Port Theatre - Nanaimo, Canada

Oct 07 | Kelly Ethnic Cultural Theatre - Seattle, WA

Oct 08 | Lincoln Performance Hall - Portland, OR

Battle Creek - Live on Spare Room Sessions by Chris Baum

Allston Pudding just premiered Bent Knee's live performance video of "Battle Creek", filmed and produced by Fitz Ross Productions in glorious black and white. 

Via Allston Pudding:

"Bent Knee is one of the tightest bands in Boston, combining masterful technical skill and sweeping emotional suites to form a sound that rarely comes through the scene, if ever. Their live act is one not to be missed."


Video link:

On Being Slightly Obscure & Making Music For Music Lovers by Chris Baum

Via Vanyaland:

"Bent Knee scan as perfectly well-adjusted, responsible, healthy, hard-working, productive members of society who pose no physical or psychic threat to anyone. But I don’t buy it. 

Frankly, while Skyping with four of the six Bent Knee affiliates — as they soaked in some downtime from a 50-commitment D.I.Y. cross-country tour at their synth player’s mom’s house somewhere outside Atlanta — I suspected they concealed their true nature, possibly for my own protection. “Normal” people couldn’t play in this band. 

Now, if keyboardist/vocalist Courtney Swain, guitarist Ben Levin, violinist Chris Baum, and bassist Jessica Kion had shown up to this interview decked out as if lately banished from a steampunk convention, and told me last year’s Shiny Eyed Babies was actually written by succubi and essences of long-dead silent film stars conjured during chaos magic rituals… that, I would’ve believed. 

The Boston-based band regularly get tagged with the “genre-defying” cliche — which sorta, kinda fits. But even if they don’t have a genre, they do fall into an aesthetic tradition alongside the likes of Reverend Glasseye, early years Dresden Dolls, HUMANWINE, Beat Circus, and other Boston art rock organizations who refused to make music that could possibly bore anyone. But make no mistake: this ostensibly non-threatening gang of ex-Berklee kids do not color outside the lines. It only sounds that way to the rest of us, because only Bent Knee know what the picture is supposed to look like.

Following their welcome home show Sunday at O’Brien’s In Allston, Bent Knee tell us they’re on their way to Q Division Studios to forge a fresh collection of tunes, tentatively scheduled for mass consumption in the spring of ‘16. The new material has been described as “charmingly incohesive” and “less sad” than Shiny Eyed’satmosphere of amped up melancholia. “[That record] was full of blockbusters, I suppose,” notes Baum, midway through this correspondence. “And this is more like indie films.”

Continued at

VGO Performs at Rooster Teeth Expo by Chris Baum

Video Game Orchestra made an appearance at RTX on August 8th, becoming the very first musical guest hosted by the convention. In addition to performing classic repertoire, the ensemble was joined by Jeff (composer/guitarist) and Casey Williams (vocalist) halfway through the set to play songs from the RWBY soundtrack live for the first time. You can read more about the event in The Austin Chronicle, but for now, enjoy a few shots from the evening (photos by Scott Lieberman):